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The House Rules are not substitutes for the Constitution and By-Laws of the Otaku Kaizen. They were written for better understanding of a member's basic behavioral obligations as a part of the organization.

Welcome to the Otaku Kaizen! Here are a few rules to abide by after joining this organization (It gets a little formal and boring, believe us. But you've got to read on):

1. Always remember the Golden Rule: "Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you. Lest you are not familiar with this rule, we'll sum it up in the best manner possible: Don't be a jerk.

2. Do not post profane/pornographic images. If this is inevitable (considering that a few number of anime these days have such content), please censor the image as much as you can.

3. This group is situated on a speak-in-any-language-you-know zone. You could use English, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Swahili, Latin, Cat, Dog, Penguin and Duck if you want to as long as you are fluent with it. Be mindful that if no one understands you, the chances of a retort are below zero.

4. Participate in activities (albeit voluntary). A lot of otaku may have problems with socialization, but if you are an exclusion to this specific personality bracket, then feel free to lend a hand.

5. You are responsible for any action you do outside this group. Meaning, if you kill someone, it's your own dang fault.

6. If, however, the offense is committed by a group constituted by members of this organization, then we may have to pinch in a little bit (if circumstances state that the offense was committed during an organizational activity). Unless it is proven that this organization has contributed to the offense, you and your accomplices are entirely on your own.

7. Do not conduct activities that will concern the entire group without an administrator's consent. This is for the sake of the protection of Otaku Kaizen's name.

8. Do not recruit people from other schools. Unless the person subjected for recruitment has begun working on his or her transfer to the academe, he/she is not welcome to join this organization. Sorry folks, but that's the way it's got to work.

9. Do not use the name of this group for your own personal benefit.

10. Offenses are punishable, and the consequences for your actions depend on the degree of the "crimes" you have committed.

11. To be OFFICIALLY LISTED as a member of this organization, you have to fill out an application form. (Go to our Membership page to access the online form).

12. Before you recruit someone, please inform them first-hand about the group so that they won't get shocked when they find out they are already members.

13. Tell them about the form. Although we're still unrecognized, we're an organization nonetheless. The least its pending members could do is to fill up the dang form.

14. Make sure they're actually interested in what we do. We want to avoid welcoming the feelers. They'll join the group one moment (out of sheer curiosity), and then quit the next, after finding out that they're not really into our hobbies.  

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